Learning how to achieve happiness in life is now at the forefront of everybody’s minds. Throughout the years, people have grown more aware of the importance of self-development.

They’ve come to regard happiness as an important aspect of their life. For others though, it is as elusive as spotting an endangered species in the middle of the street. But that doesn’t mean it is unattainable. Here are some remarkably simple tips on how to achieve happiness in life.

Happiness Tip # 1: Be at Peace with Yourself.

If you want to experience lasting joy, you must first come to terms with yourself. First of all, how do you feel about your life? Are you satisfied with yourself? Are you contented with your job?

There are probably a number of answers for these questions, but what’s most important here is that you accept yourself for who you are.

If there are a couple of unpleasant skeletons in your closet, you must try to deal with them one by one. That way, you’ll be able to breathe easier every waking day of your life.

Happiness Tip # 2: Think in Positives.

One powerful way on how to achieve happiness in life is to think positively. One thought at a time does wonders for a person’s morale.

Start thinking positively the moment you wake up. Be grateful for having another opportunity to live a meaningful life. Think about how beautiful the weather is today and how fortunate you are to have such a life.

If negative thoughts spring to mind, immediately shake your head and cancel them out; then look for the positive side in every situation.

It also helps to avoid hanging around with negative-minded people (also known as toxic people). They would only damper your mood and state of mind despite all the great things happening around you.

Being positive keeps your temper in check and allows you to deal with stressors effectively. Continue this practice of thinking in positives; and pretty soon, it’ll come naturally to you.

Happiness Tip # 3: Make Somebody Else Happy.

Another effective way on how to achieve happiness in life is to cheer someone up or make somebody else happy.

Whether it is someone you know or a stranger on the street doesn’t matter. What’s important is the feeling you get after making others smile and giving them joy. It could be as simple as treating your cousins to ice cream or giving someone a big help in a project.

Happiness is infectious and spreads easily. It works pretty much like the Christmas spirit. Believe me when I say that you’re also doing yourself a big favor by spreading happiness.

These days, people seem too cynical and vulnerable to depression. It’s high time that more people start learning how to achieve happiness in life. After all, in the end, wouldn’t we want to remember a life filled with bliss and wonderful memories, than one filled with disappointment and anger?

Source: http://4lifesuccess.info/achieve-your-goals/how-to-achieve-happiness-in-life-3-happiness-tips-that-work-like-magic

by Marlene Maheu
“I just want to show people I love that I care, but I end up feeling resentful when they don’t do the same for me in return. If only people were as considerate toward me as I am toward them, I’d be a lot happier, and feel more secure. Something just isn’t right.”

Being of help to those you love can be very healthy and rewarding. Many books have addressed the issue of co-dependency, but it is sometimes difficult to tell the difference between co-dependency and kindness. While co-dependency is not an official psychological term, it has come to describe a type of relationship where an individual gives of themselves, even when they don’t want to, or shouldn’t, for their own welfare.

Here are some ways to tell the difference:

Look for Balance.If you aren’t sure about whether you are being “too kind,” take a few minutes to complete this simple exercise. Take out a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of the page. At the top, put the name of someone close to you. In the left column, write down all the things you did last month for this person, whether they requested it or not. At the end of the item, put a large “P” for pleasure, or “R” for resentment to distinguish which emotion you really felt, in your heart of hearts, about this activity.

In the right column, list all the things they did for you, either actively or passively, whether you requested or not. Show your list to an impartial friend. If your list is weighted much more heavily on the “giving” side, then you might be selling yourself out to gain acceptance from others. Now that you’ve read the exercise, take out a piece of paper and try it. It’ll be worth the trouble….) If you cons tly treat others better than you treat yourself, and are frequently resentful about how loved ones are treating you, consider the possibility that you are out of balance, or “co-dependent.”

To continue reading, check out Self-help: Co-dependency and Kindness